“Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value”
Albert Einstein

25 January, 2024
Bureau Veritas awards AiP for the 175,000 m³ LNT A-BOX LNG Carrier
Bureau Veritas Group has awarded LNT Marine an Approval in Principle (AiP) for a 175,000m3 LNG carrier fitted with LNT A-BOX cargo containment system.
The design, which has been developed in cooperation with CSSC-SDARI, is based on aluminum tanks and demonstrates the suitability of the LNT A-BOX containment system for large-scale LNG carrier (LNGC) applications.
Big thanks to Bureau Veritas Group for great support and excellent cooperation!
November 2023
Riviera LNG Shipping & Terminals Conference, London, 14-15 Nov 2023
Former LNT CEO, Kjetil Sjølie Strand delivered a short presentation at this well attended annual conference where LNT Marine also had a stand at the exhibition,